JZ Microphones on Vocals: V67, V12 and BH2

JZ Microphones on Vocals

JZ Microphones on vocals are a no-brainer.  The Vintage 67, Vintage 12, and Black Hole BH2 have become staples in my studio over the past few years.  They’re built like tanks, are perfectly priced, have a unique design, and — most importantly — sound fabulous on virtually every sound source. 

Why is it so difficult to choose "The Best Vocal Mic"?

The pro audio pundits of the internet would have you believe that the fate of your future recordings hangs in the balance of one critical decision: finding “the perfect vocal mic”. Don’t believe the hype. At the very least, don’t get paralyzed fearing you’ll make the “wrong choice” and will be stuck forever with a mic that makes you sound poopy. 

The fact is these days there are so many incredible microphones on the market in a variety of price ranges.

If you’re considering a microphone purchase – especially if it’s your first – HERE ARE A FEW THINGS TO REMEMBER:

If I only had ONE microphone...

If I only had ONE microphone and knew I’d be using it on a wide variety of sound sources I’d choose a large-diaphragm condenser, preferably with multiple polar patterns and a -10dB pad (otherwise fixed cardioid would do just fine).

All three of these excellent JZ mics fit that description and I would be thrilled with any one of them as my “one and only” all-purpose mic.

Do you have a favorite go-to vocal mic?

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Learn more about JZ Microphones at www.jzmic.com

Learn more about me, and hire me to produce, record, and/or mix your next project at www.dananielsen.com

And if you’d like to learn HOW I produce, record and mix so you can follow along and do it yourself, you are in the right place!  Right here on Mixprotege.com 

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