Paul Tucci
EntourageForum Replies Created
I definitely want a shot at it for the sheer fun of where it might could go. It will be an exploration of space and ambience. WAV or mp3 files? Download or mail them? What’s the plan?
I have a bunch of free time in January when I’m taking time off work to rehab a new knee.
Provided the painkillers aren’t in the way of me thinking correctly, I’d take a stab at mixing and mastering your song. No points involved, I just want complete artistic freedom to explore it. You game?
There will be no commas in this reply but there will be an exclamation mark or two. What a powerful display of your insights to make better Jeremy’s even better! Thank you for spontaneously making that video. That’s great content for the viewers!
I’m wondering if starting the song with the babbling brook isn’t an idea to explore more deeply. Instantly we know where we are. It’s green with trees and flora and it’s damp. What if when the guitar enters the arrangement, it comes into the space from the distance, be it up from the water or from the woods. A decreasing reverb to dry signal ratio on the guitar could give it the sense of movement and “join” the scene. After the guitar settles into the arrangement it’s the horn’s turn. That horn sounds delicious. I love the verb and oddly for me, I’d ask for more.
(Having spent time mixing in the live sound market I’ve always viewed reverb caused by the room to be the devil. I want all the control!)
The horn playing is the area of concern. I’d suggest it’s too dynamic. It has a gentle, calming environment to work within, but when it oversteps that boundary, it reminds me of a guitar player who is demanding attention rather than playing within the ensemble. You probably have heard that guy before.
In short, all the musical parts are there, some more of the story could be told via the ambience of each element.
Wordy, but I hope it’s helpful.
This is a cool, well constructed song with many separate vignettes in it that all add up nicely. Toe tappin happiness from the top! Ilistened to each one this AM. Tonight I’ll go back and dig deeper at a thought or two I had upon first listen.
Finished?? That’s just the first of the finished versions. I’m finding myself taking stuff out of a song the more I work on it. More efficient use of musical elements means more space for the MOST important elements until you go too far. That is an art in itself I’m sure.
ps I’ll have to back and listen again but this time watch the video. I like ghosts! 👻
I’m happy to spread the word re: the band.
Avett Brothers They’re in the Americana genre but the first incarnation was a punk band called NEMO.
The songs on my fever dream are (in order) “I Wish I Was” from True Sadness, “Living of Love” from Emotionalism, “High Steppin,” “Bang, Bang, Bang,” and “Bleeding White” from the album entitled Closer Than Together. The previous sentence is a mouthful and a boatload of commas, but my English teacher wife assures me that that is proper grammar. The final song “I and Love and You” hails from the album of the same name and is a wonderful piece of sly writing.
The software I mentioned is as follows:
Thank you for the kind words. I’m so glad I took the risk of sharing it here in your forum knowing damn well who mixed the originals. That is encouraging to me and much better than the reactions I got from most of my “listeners.” There’s a couple audio artifacts that bug the hell out of me, but then again, my RX 10 skill is nowhere near my imagined imagination. I need more reps. It’s my retirement hobby.
Greetings fellow wanderer. I gave two quick listens (with eyes closed so as not to be distracted by the visuals) and enjoyed the trip. That bass synth is biggg and takes a large part of the sonic landscape. On second listen I came to an observation or two. I wonder if selectively frequency ducking the bass synth in the first half the song would make the shifting moods of the other instruments more available OR (and I like this idea better) hold off on the bass completely until halfway ish into the song and when it drops, it would really change the feel dramatically for the second half of the song.
I too am guilty of working on things ad nauseum and delaying letting it see the light of day outside of my peeps. Well done.
I was hoping you and other listeners would dig it. Lyrically, I succinctly aim for that do-not-cross line, challenge the listener to see the truth in the lyric. Sort of informative and entertaining , eh? Production wise, its some loops I chopped apart and assembled into something new, added some live keys, canned horns, a good dose of attitude during the performance.
I have more in the works, some of which may or may not adhere to the new guidelines. We’ll see.
Contrare senore! Already loaded into my DAW. Thx
Awaiting your tracks…..