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  • Paul Tucci

    at 12:44 pm in reply to: GEYSER (Mix Feedback Please)


    I fear someone has hacked JLew’s account. There’s a hip hop drum loop AND a reversed snare inside the first 52 seconds. That’s as far as I got. It couldn’t possibly be him, could it? I’m confounded. Maybe someone spiked his eggnog and this is the result.We need your leadership now, more than ever. At least in the last year I’ve been hangin around.


  • Paul Tucci

    at 1:25 pm in reply to: Solar / Battery location recording

    Hey Joe,

    I love Xmas music, so your solo guitar post got my attention, especially knowing what a gunslinger player you are. I was two songs into it when the YouTube-suggested backstory of the recording started speaking to me. I diverted thatta way, then got pulled into the rabbit/whole K1/Visa/pandemic/U-Haul/road-trip adventure and never got back to enjoying the music. Perhaps tonight, definitely before Xmas. 🎅


  • Paul Tucci

    at 3:26 pm in reply to: Mixing with only the Midrange!!!???


    Hell yea it’s a good idea, however, I don’t think the most important point of the “Only mid-range” story is the most important one to be considered.. Certainly listening to a bandwidth limited mix will show you if the killer kick drum you’ve created that is shaking the NBA’s balls even makes an appearance in a small speaker listening environment. There’s harmonics of the low stuff and attack of the kick that can be used to imply the presence of the kick without the low end present. Does the musical story get told if the speaker system is less than ideal, and probably more typical of many listeners’ situation?

    My takeaway is that the actual topic is about changing perspective whilst listening. The small mono speaker on the shelf listened to off axis or even from outside the room is like downing a couple slices of ginger to cleanse the palate when you’re out for sushi. New perspective to be sensitized to the new taste. …From the audio perspective, if I let go the attachment and pride I feel about inflating up those basketballs to above league standard and listen with fresh ears…am I still in the game? For the football fans amongst us, and Patriot fans in particular, it Deflate-Gate, but reverse polarity.

    I used a version of this thinking in my years being responsible for making sure that what was in the preacher lady’s heart made it to the audience members’ hearts. Highly intelligible was the goal. When walking around the outer concourse and poking my head into every seating entrance area I could check my success. Also I could see which vendor had the freshest pretzels. A man has got to have hobbies, you know.


  • Paul Tucci

    at 11:36 am in reply to: Recording in a slot canyon?

    MP MVP All Stars,

    It’s art, you’re moving the listener. Period.

    I have nothing else to offer up other than suggesting perhaps shifting some of the production budget from the fancy ass helicopter shots to wardrobe. A rugged button down shirt or at least a wrinkle-free t-shirt.

    With nothing but love,


  • Nate,

    This sounds like a job for a detective. The YLM screenshot of the other song is a mere 10 seconds long. Not sure if that’s an issue here or not. I’ll go listen in on Spotify to both and see what you’re chasing.


  • Paul Tucci

    at 4:47 pm in reply to: Voxengo SPAN

    Jesse, yes. I’ve had this one in the lineup for a good long while. It’s free, and if you use a fractional octave setting you’re comfortable with…useful. The Slope editor function is the Devil.


  • Paul Tucci

    at 12:17 pm in reply to: “Deep” Bass


    There’s nothing like a big ol’ bass bomb from Phil or an acoustic bass to grab peoples’ attention. There’s a certain joy to be had with a big PA and subwoofers 🙂 . That acoustic bass can own the low end, especially in your genre.

    So the lowest fundamental of an open E on the 4 string bass is 41Hz. Capturing it is a different story. You have to have those freqs recorded on tape/in the computer before you can can process them to fit in the music. EQ alone may not work if the relative level of 40 is way lower than the 100Hz area as your graphs showed. Multi-band compression won’t help much if there’s precious little content down there.

    One trick I’ve used in similar circumstances is when the kick drum doesn’t really have deep bass but I want deep bass (without utilizing a sample) is to low pass a duplicate channel of the problematic instrument so that only low freqs are present. Then drop it down an octave via whatever tuning effect you have available. Where you low pass (high cut) the dupe channel is critical. If you want more below 50 Hz, I’d aim that low pass filter at 100ish Hz with a steep filter. Feather the newly created deep bass into the mix against the original. High passing (low cut) the original bass channel may clear some mud from the combination of sounds. It’s a cheat but effective if you can’t capture the low end off the pickup or microphone of the original recording.


  • Paul Tucci

    at 11:00 am in reply to: Stereo acoustic guitar, solo recording


    So far over the line into awesomeness, both your playing and visually. I can definitely see a collaborative effort between you and Jesse. It would be unquestionably tasty. The only question would be if you play in 7 or 4. That and the inclusion of natural sounds. I kinda dig the calming effect of rushing water. Just gorgeous!!


  • Paul Tucci

    at 11:57 am in reply to: Sad Christmas song

    Thanks. I through this song up because of the seasonally timeliness of it, not its quality. I’m glad your earballs dug it. It’s like my photos on Instagram. I’d prefer my “make you think” pics got the views that the more mundane ones generate. I’m happy to have you a one of my milli-of – a -thousndth viewers/listeners.


  • Nate,

    Haven’t forgotten you. My curiosity has led me to some new-to-me info that I’m digesting before I nail the answer to your dilemnaa. A couple things seem obvious so far. Those with deep experience in record making don’t pay much attention to the LUFS. It’s like the plumber who can diagnose the problem and fix it in 15 but charges a couple hundred for the knowledge. Better yet, the analogy of Picasso pulling out a blank canvas and making a minimalist masterpiece in seconds because of all his previous work completed, having technique down cold, and then… intent. Those of us stumbling around in LUFS land currently will one day get it. So sayeth the alread -knowers.

    I’m also thinking it’s possible to cheat the loudness numbers to make the Integrated number lower so as not to have the song turned down by the streamers. Because that Integrated number is averaged over the entire song, any EXTENDED sections that are above the threshold level of the noise gate will be included in the overall measurement and thereby “dilute” the time weighting of the loudest sections. Your reference track (Greater Heights) Integrated LUFS number was diluted by 2dB according to my experiment….I deleted the quiet intro and outro to that song and low and behold, the Integrated LUFS level jumped up by 2. This MAY be why you heard your track lower in comparison. If we’re only listening to which is the louder thing we hear and dismissing the quiet bits, we might could get fooled.

    I’m not committing to that quite yet but am enjoying the exploration.


  • Paul Tucci

    at 8:58 am in reply to: Inspiring Christmas song


    Funny you say “killer.”

    Once again, that’s my dead buddy, Skip, “sangin’.” He shows up often in my silly shit.

    Your spidey senses were tingling, but might be in need of realignment.



  • Paul Tucci

    at 8:37 am in reply to: Sad Christmas song

    Gracias, I was going for the Eeyore sings a Christmas song vibe. I thought my singer nailed it.


  • Paul Tucci

    at 11:00 am in reply to: Stereo acoustic guitar, solo recording

    You know it’s true.

  • Paul Tucci

    at 9:37 am in reply to: “Deep” Bass


    Happy to help and look forward to putting an ear to your creation. Do me a favor though, if Dana and my name are in the same sentence, please do put his name first. Know what I’m sayin? We are, after all, in his house. 🙂


  • Paul Tucci

    at 5:27 pm in reply to: Secret Agent Man

    Joe, et al,

    So i did the separation stem experiment today. Rather than use one of @dana ‘s pieces of work I used an old favorite mashup.

    The idea is the same…

    1) Listen to the original,

    2) Listen to the post-separated stems recombined to see if it differs noticeably

    3) The null test. Listening to original and the reconstructed stems simultaneously. (With the reconstructed stems version out of polarity added to the original would yield just the difference and should be evidence of any level overall change AND the artifacts of the separation process.

    The level change and artifacts appear! Voila. science still works. At least through the end of the year .🇺🇸

    4) Bonus track is the post-separated recombined stems with the vocal stem boosted 2 dB to see how far you can push the level.

    5) Separated vocal stem to see the damage done

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