Alex Gage
EntourageForum Replies Created
Big Thanks @smoothygroove just downloaded and will mess with them today!! How did you know I just watched a video on Billie & Finneas’s breakdown there production haha. Cheers
Absolutely man, such a highlight to hang with everyone!! Will be Sharing stuff soon
Super late to this party but Wow @shimmerisland for a great summertime smash of a record. shssshh. Also big props to @dana for such an insightful breakdown. I feel lucky to be apart of this group. A lot of talent, way to go guys!!!
Hey Paul,
neat detective work and thanks for that tip. Can’t argue with that. Appreciate the effort!
Cool vid Dana and yes I’ve been wondering about these too. Might try messing with them more on a drum bus situation. Crazy how much headroom you gained though, wow!