
Forum Replies Created

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  • Jesse Lewis

    at 8:50 am in reply to: Believe in You – Mix Shoot Out!

    Hey Jeremy,

    I’ve just had a chance to listen to both! First of all – What a freakin amaaazing song. Such a great vibe all around from the lyrics, singing, production choices, etc, etc. SUUUPER catchy too!

    They weren’t the same volume so I tried to adjust the volume lower on the 2nd mix to match when listening for a fair comparison.

    This is just my own two cents, and purely subjective but I much preferred the first one (Shimmer-Island-Believe-In-You-SW.mp3) There are a few reasons but the main thing I can tell you is, at least for me, when I listened to that mix I got lost in it (in a good way) I was tapping my toes and boppin’ my head. I felt really happy and really “inside it” . It felt balanced and all. the choices felt like they served the song.

    the second one, while being louder, and having some other things that I missed in the first mix (louder vocals/more bass) didn’t take me on the same journey nearly as much. The hi hat panned far left in the intro immediately distracted me compared to the first mixes treatment of it, for example.

    There were some times on the first mix when I wanted to hear that bass drop a bit more but I feel like that could be adjusted fairly easily? I loved the vocals on the first one too, but after listening to the second version (where they were much louder) I kinda thought maybe you could also make the vocals a little louder in the first mix as well.

    In short, if I was the producer, I think I’d pick the first mix and see if I could explore getting a little more bass at times and possibly vocals. Other than that I just thought it breathed so well.

    That song is a hit! I hope the world gets to hear it! Congrats!



    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by  Jesse Lewis.
  • Jesse Lewis

    at 7:24 pm in reply to: I'm pretty sure this is legal.

    Thanks, Paul!



  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:33 am in reply to: Ghost

    Thanks for listening, Paul! Those are some really good ideas, I only wish you were on here last month so I could have tried those out before finishing the song! 😂 I didn’t even consider doing anything with that bass, but that would have been another area where I could have added some more movement and dynamics! It’s definitely on my radar now though! Thanks! – JLew

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:25 am in reply to: I'm pretty sure this is legal.

    Hey Paul! This was really cool! I enjoyed listening to that a lot! Thanks for sharing!

    If you get a chance – Could you list the songs you used to make this? I really loved some of them and don’t know what they are!

    I’ll have to check out that AI technology you were using. I haven’t played around with that stuff yet. Very interesting.

    thanks for sharing,


  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:43 pm in reply to: Knitting Video

    Thanks brother! I learned so much from our lesson and throughout this forum! I’m so appreciative of this space! Thanks for doing this! Happy Holidays ❤️❤️❤️- JLew

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:40 pm in reply to: Knitting Video

    Thanks so much, Nathaniel! Really appreciate your support and kind words. Happy Holidays! – Jesse

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:52 pm in reply to: Can you help me mix my guitar?

    Awesome! Can’t wait to hear it! I tried your idea of having the guitar creep into focus from the distance but it didn’t really work out with the video I made, but I’d love to hear what you had in mind with that. Musically, that seems like a very cool idea. Best, Jesse

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 12:02 pm in reply to: Ghost

    Thanks Jeremy! ❤️❤️❤️

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 12:00 pm in reply to: Can you help me mix my guitar?

    Hey Paul – It looks like the dropbox isn’t going to work so send me your email and I’ll try it that way.

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 11:57 am in reply to: Can you help me mix my guitar?

    Hey Paul! Sorry for the delay! Here’s the stems. Can’t wait to hear what you cook up! Have fun!
    (if there’s any issue accessing it, just send your email and I’ll try to send that way! Best – Jesse


  • Jesse Lewis

    at 12:12 pm in reply to: Can you help me mix my guitar?

    Hey Paul!

    What a super cool offer man! Thanks so much..and those painkillers might take the mix just where it needs to go! haha

    I’m going to be mixing and mastering a “final” version this weekend and uploading it on Monday for streaming, the video that I made is all finished and I’m hoping to share it in a couple of weeks!

    That being said, if you want to mix it just for fun I’d love to see where you take it, especially all those cool ideas you were talking about! Happy to send you the stems if you want. Just let me know!

    Thanks again!


  • Jesse Lewis

    at 8:24 am in reply to: Can you help me mix my guitar?

    Hey Paul!

    Thanks for listening! You comments are very helpful. I LOVE your idea of the guitar coming into focus and “joining” the scene. Thats a really cool production idea. There will be a video (of our live recording in the woods) accompanying this track so I need to make sure that it won’t seem strange with the video, but I really hope it works. That’s such a cool idea that I never would have thought of. Thank you!



  • Jesse Lewis

    at 8:12 am in reply to: Can you help me mix my guitar?

    Hey Jeremy!

    Thanks so much! I appreciate you taking the time to listen. Yes! I agree with all the stuff you are hearing too and I’m going to try to address all of your comments in my my next mix! Thank you again! Best, Jesse

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:27 am in reply to: Ghost

    Thanks so much brother! I so appreciate all of your help and support and this whole community here at Mix Protege. I’m gonna keep making stuff and asking questions! haha


  • Jesse Lewis

    at 8:24 am in reply to: Question about EQ..ing

    Wow! This response is so helpful and so much appreciated and answers so much of the stuff I’ve been wondering about. About halfway through your response I was like…this is the short version!? haha!!! (I know you can’t help yourself, bad cat)

    Seriously – thank you so much for everything you are doing with this platform and creating this incredible space for people to help each other grow!



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