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  • Hey Stuart! Congrats on such a badass song! It has such an awesome vibe and I love all of the cool production stuff you added into it. Super awesome!!! I’m mostly just a newbee when it comes to mixing/mastering so I’d defer to the other peoples comments, however one thing I noticed was that it wasn’t as loud as another track that I had just listened to, so maybe just simply making the mix louder overall might make it more competitive against other tracks that are competing for the sync?

    Again, really excellent stuff! Can’t wait to hear more of your music!

    Best Wishes,


  • Jesse Lewis

    at 6:22 pm in reply to: Mix feedback on original piece

    Duuuuuude!!! This sounds INSAAANE!!! So good. I started to listen to it with a critical ear to see if I could offer up any suggestions…but then quickly became completely lost in your music, in a good way haha. It’s so high level from a songwriting, production, orchestration, mixing, and just general conceptual vibe. I would listen to this all the time. Congrats man – So very beautiful ❤



  • Jesse Lewis

    at 2:51 pm in reply to: Commercial Country Mix

    Hey Jon!

    I think this mix sounds fabulous! I’m definitely no pro by any means so I wish I could offer more constructive feedback but it really does sound very good to me. If this came on the radio I wouldn’t question it at all!

    A couple things that jumped out at me while listening very critically was the noise floor in the beginning and end was somewhat noticeable and maybe took me out of the moment a bit? (is it in the acoustic guitar mics?) (***Curious if anyone knows of a solution to this? Would it be a noise gate? or some kind of RX or something? Inquiring minds want to know haha)

    I also felt that the short section right after the guitar solo (from 2:03-2:09) possibly lacked a little presence somehow? Maybe the bass could come up slightly??? Not sure tho…

    Again – this mix totally rocks, I wish I could mix like you!

    Best Wishes,


  • Thanks so much, Jon! I really appreciate you checking it out and all your support! I’m glad you dug the song, too! Wishing you all the best!


  • Jesse Lewis

    at 6:35 pm in reply to: Different Sounding Eq’s

    Great question and a very helpful answer! Thanks for this response!

  • Thanks so much for this feedback man! I will address all of your suggestions. Thanks for taking the time to listen and give such thoughtful suggestions.

    Just listening to the snare again now hahaha wow that is very loud 😂. I must have listened to this too many times because I swear that snare sounded normal to me at the time:)

    Back to it!

    thanks so much❤ ❤❤

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 7:29 pm in reply to: Reamping Software Synths

    Holy Moly! This list of reamp possibilities is incredible and totally game changing! I had actually never even considered the idea of using the original software synth and combining that with the reamp audio!

    In a typical setup do you just literarily mix them together (like make a moog group and just combine them to taste????)

    Inquiring minds want to know ❤

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 11:47 am in reply to: Finding clarity in chaos

    why are you so heavy?!!!

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 9:30 am in reply to: Finding clarity in chaos

    Quick Question – Do you think listening thru my laptop built in speakers could be a good alternative to the small speakers across the room? Or is the actual distance from the sound source important?

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 9:26 am in reply to: Finding clarity in chaos

    Production advice “Gold” right there ❤ Thank you

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 7:16 pm in reply to: I’d love your feedback please:)

    Amaaaazing and such deep and helpful feedback hombre! Thanks a MILLION!!!! I will deal with these suggestions! ❤❤❤ JLew

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 6:11 pm in reply to: I’d love your feedback please:)

    Awesome! Thanks so much man! My bass is in midi, but thats such great advice – I’ll resample it to audio and then Ill be able to see the wav file! your heavy! Thanks a million!

    Learning everyday!

    ❤ – JLew

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:13 pm in reply to: I’d love your feedback please:)

    Awesome! This is great advice. I guess I got scared to hard pan pan elements in case the speakers got really far apart or something – but I will be more liberal with my panning choices. A friend of mine was just telling me the other day about the old days of mixing with only the 3 choices (C or L or R). He said he’s been mixing like that recently and its really cleared up his mixes a lot.

    Speaking of which – (and I’m sure this is a big subject!) but if you were to hard pan like you are describing – how does it translate when people listen through their phone speaker? Does the iphone just sum everything to mono? Is that something to take into acount when making panning descisions?

    I’m looking forward to hearing what you think about my current master of windmills, which is more dynamic than the other version, especially focusing on working from the big section. Power Tips baby!


    • This reply was modified 12 months ago by  Jesse Lewis.
  • Jesse Lewis

    at 12:54 pm in reply to: I’d love your feedback please:)

    Hi Jon!

    Thanks so much for listening so carefully and for your kind words! Your input is very much appreciated and helpful. I agree with all of those comments and I will go back in and address them.

    I actually panned quite a few things in the mix but I think the furthest I went R or L was 25 or so. I heard from somebody that you should never go past 30? (in other words no hard panning) but maybe I was misguided there haha.

    I wonder if anybody else in the group has thoughts or insights on panning rules? Are there such rules? Especially given that many folks listen thru their phones?

    Curious what folks think!



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