
🎚️ Friday Fader: Are you following the rules?

Hey Reader!

Un-dim your console and crank up the mains, it’s time for the Friday Fader – your weekly recap of Mix Protégé goodness.

Heads up: members-only links require login – just log in once, if needed, and u should be good to go!

🔎 Jesse Lewis shared a powerful new instrumental piece on the Member Spotlight forum, seeking feedback as he puts final touches on the mix and master of his song “Windmills,” which turned quickly into a meaningful discussion about panning rules… Are pan rules helpful? Do they exist at all? 🛸👽


Panning rules … for the birds?

…. take that panning guidance you received in the past and throw it IMMEDIATELY in the garbage! 🗑️ And then light it on 🔥 just to be sure it’s gone for good! … read more

👂 Listen to “Windmills” and join the discussion!


Check out Jesse’s insanely gorgeous piece and weigh in with your own constructive mix suggestions and big props!


📜 A BIT OF HISTORY: I’m a big fan of Jesse’s music and we go way back. We met on the first day of college as freshmen in the Jazz Studies program at Loyola University New Orleans. We’ve collaborated on several superb albums together over the years, including our unforgettable journey into the Utah wilderness to record an album entirely on battery and solar power, 2020’s Alive in the Wilderness by Endless Field (with fellow Protégé, bassist extraordinaire, Ike Sturm).

I couldn’t be prouder of Jesse on his newest journey – into the world of production, mixing and mastering his own music. And I’m honored he’s here with us on Mix Protégé sharing, learning, and welcoming us into his process.

🆕 Ayoooo! We’ve got a new DAWS forum, including sub-forums for each DAW. Found a new killer keyboard shortcut in Ableton? Can’t figure out how to turn off auto-scrolling in Pro Tools? 🙄 Light up those sub-forums with all your burning questions and revelations! (Don’t see your DAW listed? let me know and we’ll add it!)

🔔 And speaking of forums, make sure you SUBSCRIBE to the forums and discussions you’re most interested in so you get notified when things start poppin’ off!


Have a great Friday, everyone!

Faders forever,



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