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  • Jesse Lewis

    at 2:51 pm

    Hey Jon!

    I think this mix sounds fabulous! I’m definitely no pro by any means so I wish I could offer more constructive feedback but it really does sound very good to me. If this came on the radio I wouldn’t question it at all!

    A couple things that jumped out at me while listening very critically was the noise floor in the beginning and end was somewhat noticeable and maybe took me out of the moment a bit? (is it in the acoustic guitar mics?) (***Curious if anyone knows of a solution to this? Would it be a noise gate? or some kind of RX or something? Inquiring minds want to know haha)

    I also felt that the short section right after the guitar solo (from 2:03-2:09) possibly lacked a little presence somehow? Maybe the bass could come up slightly??? Not sure tho…

    Again – this mix totally rocks, I wish I could mix like you!

    Best Wishes,
