Hey man! Thanks so much for checking it out and providing feedback
– Voc phone effect – Yeah, it was printed like that. I fought with it a bunch to try to make it brighter, but it always seemed too forced and ended up getting weird. Like I was boosting hi’s that didn’t seem to exist in his voc track 😔
– Snare Top End – This is great. I’ve never thought about that relationship before.
I’ll play with both suggestions, taming the top end of the kick to match the snare and bringing the snare snap up to meet the kick and see which seems to play nicer.
– Agtr – Great! In Mix1 I had the acgtr a little hotter, Mix2 I brought it down in V2 because I was afraid it was getting monotonous. I’ll give that guy the stage that I so ruthlessly took away.As always, thanks SO much for the feedback @dana. This along with the courses has been helping me tremendously. 🙏