MixPrep Process 1: Starting from Multi-Track Stems
1. Organizing Files and Folders -
MixPrep Process 2: starting from an Existing Pro Tools Session2. Creating the Pro Tools Session
3. Preferences and Track Colors1 Quiz
4. Track Layout
5. Track Names
6. Mapping the Tempo
7. Strip Silence
8. Routing Print Tracks
9. Submasters and Stems
10. Creating Custom FX Presets
11. VCA
12. D Command and the Finished Product
13. Save As
LIVESTREAMS10-19-23 LIVE Mixing and Editing - Acoustic Pop Singer-Songwriter [PS]
2. Creating the Pro Tools Session
Step 1
Create a new Pro Tools session.

Step 2
Choose Pro Tools session settings to match the stems file type and audio resolution

Step 3
Select stereo “Interleaved” and “Prompt for Location” – Hit Create

Step 4
Save the session inside the master project folder alongside the stems folder

Step 5
Move the stems folder into its corresponding song folder alongside the Pro Tools session

Step 6
Grab all the stems. Hit command + a to select all the stems and drag them onto the Edit Window timeline. Position near but not exactly at the beginning of the timeline. Don’t drag stems to 0:00.

Step 7
Verify the Audio Files folder is still empty and no duplicate files have been created

Keyboard shortcuts, track presets, Pro Tools session, I/O Settings, and more available in the PREP SCHOOL Toolkit (available in chapters 3 through 13 with course purchase)