Forum Replies Created

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  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:53 pm in reply to: Any Other Way

    Yeah Papa Paul!

    Sounds awesome man! It’s so refreshing to hear a band that sounds like a band too!! I could totally see them playing this at a club and it would sound just like it, like in a really good way! Way to go Arcane Grace!!! 🔥

    ps – check out the “tag” on you post below! I’m guessing it has to be AI! Even @dana isn’t that visionary hahahaha

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:42 pm in reply to: Nature Is A Teacher – Mix Feedback

    Hey Joe!

    What a BEAUTIFUL song, man! SO Gorgeous — and so awesome to hear you sing, too! I think you got another hit on your hands!

    I’ve listened a few times and wanted to offer a few thoughts in case they are helpful. Obviously, just some opinions and ideas – but maybe they’ll be helpful in someway…

    The first thing that hit me was the guitar – such extraordinary playing as always and I love the warm, thick tone you got there as well. That kind of instantly pulled me in to the song and then when you came in singing, I was like, “hell yeah!! awesome!!!” you have a wonderful voice, and I really liked the way you recorded it too, a lot of personality came through in the vocal.

    One thing that I do think needs to be addressed is the level of the vocal overall — just in relation to itself. I don’t know if it’s just needing some more compression or possibly automating word by word, but there are some words that really jump out and others that I find difficult to hear. Usually, it’s the words at the end of a phrase that go down and pitch and wanted to understand those easier. I think either compressing the vocal or just bringing up certain words would be helpful so the listener can follow along.

    I have a couple of thoughts about the pad/ keyboard sound that you have going on throughout. One thing I noticed is that they’re all kind of in the same frequency range as the guitar, which made it a little hard to distinguish and maybe as a result, they are masked a little bit… maybe it’s something to explore, but it’s also kind of cool how they just blend in as well. So something to consider!

    My last comment is also related to the keyboards — and this is really just my opinion because there’s nothing wrong with how you have the production right now, but if I was producing the song I feel like I might want something more organic, and natural sounding in the production, than the two sounds you have panned left/right. Both sounds kind of feel like they are some kind of midi software instrument and the vibe you have going with the lyrics and your voice and the beautiful acoustic guitar and the bass and drums and percussion all feels so natural – I was wondering what the track might sound like with like an old upright piano and a violin or a mandolin or something like that instead of those keyboards. Again, totally just an idea and maybe your way past that in terms of your time frame and what you have access to in your studio, but I just thought I’d mention it as an idea!

    Man! I’m such a fan and totally humbled by your playing and singing and composing! So wonderful! I can’t wait to hear where this one ends up!

    Best Wishes,


  • Adding to this thread! Look what came across my release radar today! Happy release of the “The Rush” to @joerobinson

    Congrats man! sounds SO GOOOOOD!

    Give it a spin Fam!

  • Wow Paul! Such a glorious tone — Yes! Way more natural sounding than the last one in terms of the guitar DI.

    So you had only one guitar stem to work with and then duplicated and delayed one? – how many guitar tracks in total am I hearing? 2 or 3? I can’t tell that anything has been pitch shifted down an octave. It’s incredible how natural it sounds. I will definitely use this technique on my stuff (I’m specifically thinking about situations where I’m only able to record one guitar track, but with this technique, it seems like I could really fill it out nicely!)

    Any chance you could share a small portion of each isolated stem so I can get a better sense of what you all mixed together?

    Thanks for sharing! What a cool idea!


  • Jesse Lewis

    at 6:54 am in reply to: 4 Piece Band, Live Instrumental Track

    Joe – this is AWESOME man!!! ❤️❤️❤️



  • Jesse Lewis

    at 4:49 pm in reply to: Snow Day – Mix Feedback

    Adding the video to this thread as well in case anybody wants to see what it all looked like…

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 4:47 pm in reply to: Snow Day – Mix Feedback

    haha! Nice! That’s a whole lotta wild life you got in there!! I think I might have heard a UFO too…?



  • Jesse Lewis

    at 2:24 pm in reply to: Snow Day – Mix Feedback

    Yo @-PT and @dana

    Here’s my updated version:

    I’m going to include what I did for revisions in case anybody finds it interesting…

    DANA notes

    1. Turn up the geese!!! More ambience.

    I was able to find some birds “in the clear” from when I wasn’t playing the guitar and I layered them in, I think it helps!)

    2. Guitar sounds kinda thin.

    Agreed. I really struggled with this, because I had to high pass the crap out of it to get rid of the wind from the storm, a lot of low end rumble in general. I tried R-Bass and also EQ, but it just added a lot of low end and muddiness.

    3. 1:26 L/R strum guitars sound real thin.

    I had hi-passed them a lot and boosted a lot of the high end as well in an effort to put them in a different part of the mix, trying to separate them from all of the other guitar parts going on, but I agree, I think I overdid it. I ended up reducing the high shelf I had going on which mellowed them out a bit. I think it definitely helps!

    4. 1:46 I’d try making your vocal louder, and more verb-y! by 2:11 the level sound right, but would be cool w more verb

    I made the vocal louder and more verby as well, hopefully it helped!

    5. 3:11 ending vocals, again more dreamy verb. Vocals in general also sound a bit thin. Try some Waves R-Bass (maybe set to 100-200hz) on the vocal and the ac guitars to fill them out with more body.

    I added the R-Bass to all of my vocals! What a huge difference that made! That plug-in is so cool! I don’t quite understand how it’s different than just an EQ, but it’s really great and I can’t wait to use it on bass as well! I know that R-bass is some kind of subharmonic saturation or something. Maybe if we ever did a zoom on the subject of saturation you could include a little lesson on how you use that plug-in? I tried putting reverb at the end, but I really missed the super dry raw ending. just conceptually I liked the idea of ending it back in reality! I did try it though! Also, re: Paul’s suggestion – I put a very, very subtle low frequency reverb throw on my last note.

    Paul notes

    1. There’s that metallic percussion beast at 2:35 that sticks out. Its level drops later but that early entrance dominates the mood. I wonder if high passing that thing, dropping its level considerably and slopping it up with a long plate verb wouldn’t make it sound like cracking ice on the river.

    I wasn’t sure exactly which metallic percussion element you were talking about, because there are so many, but there were two in that section that stood out to me after you commented on it — so I address both of them. the first was that loud backbeat swoosh that alternated with the hand claps, and the other is a quarter note metallic pulse from a tambourine. both of them were very piercing around 5-8k so I ended up using multi brand compression on that frequency to attenuate it. basically a De-Esser for the percussion. I think it helped smooth it out a bit. additionally I took your advice and used a long plate reverb on those backbeat swoosh hits. that was a great idea. Thanks.

    2. The last “hah” of your chant at the songs finale is crying out for that same reverb treatment. I just want to end back where I was when I first heard the geese.

    I went very subtle on this because I tried a big reverb and it kind of bothered me, I ended up creating a reverb that basically just bloomed around my fundamental pitch and if you listen closely, you can kind of hear it bloom at the very end.


    Hey guys

    thanks so much guys for all of your great feedback and advice — I don’t know what I do without y’all!

    once I finish the video I’ll upload it to this thread as well so folks can see the location, process, etc.

  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:17 pm in reply to: Snow Day – Mix Feedback

    Yo @-PT and @dana !!!

    Thank you guys so much for your thoughtful notes. I agree w/ all of them and will get to work making revisions.

    As for the reverb on the vocals at the end — I feel that too! I made it dry thinking about the video (I think the video is effective kind of coming back to the raw audio at the end, like bookends) but I’m thinking I’m going to just render two versions — a video version without verb at the end and added verb ending for the actual audio release! Gives parallel processing a whole new meaning!

    As far as all of your other comments, they are all things that totally make sense to me! I’m not sure if I can get more geese, because they were just in the actual recording. And Dana – yes I agree that the guitar in the intro seems very thin. It’s a challenge because the guitar itself is a very thin sounding instrument and I wasn’t able to record it with a very good set up obviously. I EQ’d out a lot of of the lower frequencies to reduce wind rumbling, but as a result, I think it makes the guitar sound extra thin. I’ll take another look at it. Paul – this is one of the reasons I found your post about stemming out the acoustic guitar in processing it the way you did to be so intriguing. I feel like a technique like you shared could really benefit my recordings like this one, where I’m not able to record a great sound at the source, but maybe with some of your mixing fanciness, I could make it sound a lot fuller! Very cool! Thanks again!


  • Jesse Lewis

    at 2:14 pm in reply to: Snow Day – Mix Feedback

    Awesome! As soon as I finish up a couple things this week I’ll bounce those and DM you – I’ll probably send you a dropbox link!



  • Jesse Lewis

    at 6:35 am in reply to: Snow Day – Mix Feedback

    Yo Paul!

    You’re blowin’ my mind ovah here!!! I’m not totally sure I fully understand what you’re getting at, but I think I’m following! You’re saying — somehow through AI technology you could apply the characteristics of my acoustic guitar to the electric guitar? Maybe I’m not following correctly? I’m more than happy to stem out any tracks you might want to tinker with, and you could show me what you have in mind! You know I’m always game to learn new things! Just let me know!

    In terms of timing, I need to finish this song today so I can get it sent out in this month’s newsletter (which you will receive 😃) – so I’m going to do my best to make the revisions that you and Dana suggested and put it to bed. I ended up purchasing R-Bass after @dana suggested using it, and I’m currently trying to figure out the best settings. That’s a pretty crazy tool for bass enhancement, btw!

    I found one of the coolest things about giving myself the challenge and deadline of producing one song/video a month for is that, even though the final “product” might not reach it’s full potential, the process keeps me moving forward, learning more, and growing. And then onto the next one! (Geyser was actually supposed to be this month’s song but got delayed – but I’m hoping maybe I’ll do that one next month!)

    Let me know if you want any stems to mess around with!



  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:24 pm in reply to: GEYSER (Mix Feedback Please)

    Thanks so much, Dana! I’ll get back on this and try to make these improvements!!!

    Thanks again to you @shimmerisland and @-PT for lending me your ears on this one!



  • Thank you! SO COOL!

  • Yo Paul!

    This is so incredibly helpful! Thanks for taking the time to explain it in such great detail! Very smart and cool!


  • Jesse Lewis

    at 5:04 pm in reply to: Snow Day – Mix Feedback


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