🎚️ Friday Fader: I’m pretty sure this is legal…

Step into your studio slippers and sidechain that Distressor with a steady drip of eggnog… It’s time for the Friday Fader – your Mix Protégé peek at the week!

Heads up: some links require login – just log in once, if needed, and u should be good to go!

👮 “I’m pretty sure this is legal …”

Paul Tucci used RipX DAW, Izotope RX, and other tools to “reimagine” several songs by one of his (and my) favorite bands for this excellent mashup in the Member Spotlight forum!

This was an exploration of some new technology,” writes Paul. “AI audio software caught my attention in retirement this year. I tried a few separation products and settled in on RIP-X. Stripping the vocals off a song and putting your own in sounds like dangerous fun to me. The Giles Martin produced Beatles “Love” release started my curiosity.

Have a listen and join the conversation!

📼 Jesse Lewis debuted “GHOST,” his incredible new song and music video [with help from peers on Mix Protégé!]

What an honor and pleasure it has been for me to watch our talented community members create, refine, and release their music into the world. Jesse Lewis has given us all a rare treat here at Mix Protégé, sharing his progress and pinging the group for mixing and production advice for his new solo project, SOUNDS OF ATTICUS. The most recent release is titled, “GHOST,” and I’m all about it!! Here’s a timeline of Jesse’s Mix Protégé journey as he explored new re-amping techniques and refined his mix:

  1. Mixing Forum: Question about re-amping Moog virtual instrument
  2. Member Spotlight: Requesting feedback from the protege fam/re-amping!
  3. Member Spotlight: “Ghost” completed mix and music video

“Hey Mix genius fam! Thank you all for your feedback last month on my Moog plugin based song and addressing my “re-amp” questions that I was wondering about. I wanted to share a video with you of the final mix.” – Jesse (@JLEW)

🐷 I went hog wild for Cyber Weekend deals

Did you make any Cyber Weekend purchases you’re fired up about? I bought a bunch of great new tools I’ve had my eye on, including G-Force Imposcar (special thanks to Stuart Roholt for the nostalgic trip and tip!), Oeksound Spiff 2, VPS Avenger 2 upgrade (incredible synth, incredible presets), Cradle God Particle, Glamsquad 1-hour in-home makeup application (for my wife for Christmas … I promise 🤣), Soundradix Radical Bundle, Source Elements Nexus Suite upgrade, Matadorr Sound sample packs, and Waves Silk (free!).

Cyber Weekend may have officially passed, but many companies have extended their sales! For links and more info, head on over to the Black Friday Roundup and be sure to leave a comment sharing your fav new toys!

👋 Lastly, a huge welcome to our newest members:

Alex Gage, Phil David, Mike Finkel, Jamelle Adisa, BoJameson Ebeling, P H, Darin Donovan, Steve Russell, Paul Tucci, and Kirby Allen, we’re so stoked you’re here! Take a moment to fill out the expanded profile fields so we can get to know each other better! Wanna know what my “desert island” piece of studio gear is these days? Check my profile, brah 🤙

Faders forever,


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